Anna Christie

-Yes. HereI am. What do you want?

Why you don't come turn in, Anna?
It's late, it's after four bells.

I like this fog, honest.
lt makes me feeI as ifI was
out of things altogether.

That's one of the worst dirty tricks
of that old devil.

Funny.I feeI sort of strange tonight.
Sort of nutty...
:39:33 if I've been living
a long, long time out here in the fog.

I don't know just how to tell you
whatI mean.

But it's like I've come home
from a long visit someplace...

...andI seem to have forgotten
all that's happened.

Like it didn't matter anymore.
You must think I'm off my base.
Oh, Anna,I want always
make you happy.

We fooI that old devil. We sell barge.
And you and me, we live together
in nice little house inland.

lnland? You mean leave the sea?
By golly, we have a little house,
just you and me...

...and maybe sometime comes along
a nice land fella.

You get married. You have kids.
Oh, by Jiminy,
that sure is a pretty picture, Anna.

Maybe.I wanna be with you...
...but somehow
I don't wanna leave the sea.

She's old devil, Anna.
Don't let her get you.

Well, ain't it natural, me loving the sea?
It's in the blood, ain't it?

I think I'm a big fooI for bring you
on this voyage, Anna.

Now you're talking nutty yourseIf.
You act as if you were scared
something was gonna happen.

-Only God know that, Anna.
-Well, then, it'll be God's will...

:40:55 the preachers say,
what does happen.

No. That old devil, she ain't God.
