We fooI that old devil. We sell barge.
And you and me, we live together
in nice little house inland.
lnland? You mean leave the sea?
By golly, we have a little house,
just you and me...
...and maybe sometime comes along
a nice land fella.
You get married. You have kids.
Oh, by Jiminy,
that sure is a pretty picture, Anna.
Maybe.I wanna be with you...
...but somehow
I don't wanna leave the sea.
She's old devil, Anna.
Don't let her get you.
Well, ain't it natural, me loving the sea?
It's in the blood, ain't it?
I think I'm a big fooI for bring you
on this voyage, Anna.
Now you're talking nutty yourseIf.
You act as if you were scared
something was gonna happen.
-Only God know that, Anna.
-Well, then, it'll be God's will...
...like the preachers say,
what does happen.
No. That old devil, she ain't God.
-What's that?
-Oh, that scare me for a minute.
ls just some fisherman
lose his course in fog.
Sound come from this side.
They come in from open sea.
What's trouble?
Heave a rope when we come alongside.
-Where are you, you scut?
-This way!
Right you are.
Why don't he stay where he belongs.
Johnson, come and give a hand.
Anna, you go in cabin,
get whiskey, please.
Those fellas will need a drink
for fix them up.
Johnson, come here.
Give me a hand here with this fella.
-What is it, sir?
-They come in from the open sea.
-Must be sailor fellas.
-The open sea?
That old deviI is doing
something again, Johnson.