Go on and try it.
Bet you can't even hit the net.
-Yeah, how about a home run, Babe Ruth?
-Sure,I dare you to.
With one throw,I could knock them
dames off of their bunks.
Go to it, big boy.
Don't overlook me, carrot top.I have the
shape that makes the old men young...
-...and the young men old.
-Mama wants Papa.
-Papa wants Mama.
Some mamas too. Now somebody else.
Somebody that packs a mean right.
What we want this time
is a regular he-man.
You shut up or I'll wrap you
around the target.
Don't get sore, big boy.
It's a hot night.
Roll me out of the blanket.
And that be the end to the story
of the whale and the grasshopper.
Oh, Matt, honest,
I ain't ever laughed like this.
-You're funny.
-Sure, I'd think it was blarney...
...if it wasn't meseIf
was making you laugh.
Oh, sure, Anna, you're crazy about me,
and I'm not after blaming you.
You just hate yourseIf, don't you, Matt?
Oyster loaf for the lady, sir.
-I ordered milk for the lady.
-Well, I've got it here.
Well, let's drink to our good health.
Here's to you.
And skoal, Matt, to you and me.