And that be the end to the story
of the whale and the grasshopper.
Oh, Matt, honest,
I ain't ever laughed like this.
-You're funny.
-Sure, I'd think it was blarney...
...if it wasn't meseIf
was making you laugh.
Oh, sure, Anna, you're crazy about me,
and I'm not after blaming you.
You just hate yourseIf, don't you, Matt?
Oyster loaf for the lady, sir.
-I ordered milk for the lady.
-Well, I've got it here.
Well, let's drink to our good health.
Here's to you.
And skoal, Matt, to you and me.
-Hot mustard, Matt?
-I don't need it.
-Full of it.
-Well, here's something you do need.
-Oh, is that so, now?
Well, all right. But if I'm needing sugar,
I know where to look for that.
Oh, we're goofy, Matt.
Just like a couple of kids.
Sure, Anna, when you're in love,
you ain't got the brains of a tick.
What do you mean, love?
You know whatI mean, Anna.
It's in me eye and
on the tip of me tongue.
A man like me ain't given to loving
a woman. He knows too much about them.
Every color of them,
from here to the China Sea.
The whole lying, cheating smear of them.
Sailors' bait.
When he comes across
a girI like you, Anna...
...that's as clean as a shell.
You're a lucky girI to be hearing
such talk from the lips of Matt Burke...
...him that the women are so crazy over.
Anna, what's come over you?