Possibly the same.
I don't know.
Excuse the disturbance, but we're
marching out tomorrow morning ,
and I just wanted
to take my leave of you.
I assume,
you would like to be left alone.
As far as I know, you've got
an arduous mission ahead of you.
May I wish you
the best of luck? - Thank you.
Until then, Mademoiselle - Until then.
Will you be away a long time?
When shall I see you again?
Maybe never. I have a strange feeling
that I may not return this time.
I don't want to. You!
I thought about that too.
I could desert and
stowaway on a cargo ship.
Why won't you do it?
I would do it immediately if you'd
come with me. Will you come with me?
My performance. Wait for me.