ln the whole, the handwriting
shows clear signs of insanity
Yes, lnspector, certainly.
You and your men are very good
But, nevertheless, results,
we must have results
Minister, my men are only
getting 12 hours sleep a week
as well as searches
on the spot, Minister
They start their shift
already tired
Don't forget, this job
is nervously trying
especially when the success
rate is so low
The homicide officers work
They're always on alert
following any clue,
even the slightest one
that may lead us to our man
Minister, consider their findings
on the scene of the crime
We find, for instance,
behind a hedge
a little white paper bag
Clearly it held the candy
ln a corner, we found some
crumbs and some sugar grains
Within a radius of 2 kilometers,
we have searched
in all the candy shops to find out
where the bag came from
But in vain
Every day the search widens