
They're always on alert
following any clue,
even the slightest one

that may lead us to our man
Minister, consider their findings
on the scene of the crime

We find, for instance,
behind a hedge

a little white paper bag
Clearly it held the candy
ln a corner, we found some
crumbs and some sugar grains

Within a radius of 2 kilometers,
we have searched

in all the candy shops to find out
where the bag came from

But in vain
Every day the search widens
but, of course, no one
remembers anything

Nevertheless, we keep on
searching, getting nowhere

without much hope of
finding a solution. Our men...

What good is that?
l know you're trying

but an unknown murderer
terrorizes the town

A town of four million
and your police are failing

Minister, you don't seem to
understand the difficulties

Only on the way home
of the missing child
