and if they have kids,
they'll need money.
In that case,
I'd give them an allowance
as long as I had my fish stall.
What will you give your boy?
He'll help me in the bar
till I retire.
They can live here.
And I'll give him
1,500 francs a month.
That's not enough.
You must give him more than that.
Such as?
You should give him
a cod steak,
some fresh turbot,
a few crabs and some bream.
You better stop drinking.
It's bad for you.
I'd rather have some crayfish.
Is this for fish soup?
Fish soup.
So you're just getting in?
We'll talk about it
in the morning.
Yes, that sort of soup won't keep.
I'm off.
Good-bye, César, Marius.
Hello, my dear.
What can I do for you?
I'd like to talk to you.
Let's go inside.
Where did you go tonight?
I was playing billiards
at the Brasserie Suisse.
With whom?
With some friends.
I'm sure that's not true.
You were somewhere else.