That's why you attacked Panisse
like a wild beast,
nearly throttling
the poor old chap.
He's out to find you.
He's put shoes on.
He's walking around like this.
- We just had a little quarrel about...
- About what?
I don't even know what.
I know. It was about Fanny.
You wanted to eliminate a rival.
You idiot. If you want
to eliminate your rival,
propose to Fanny.
You think she'd accept?
You talked to her mother?
You talked to her mother?
What was that?
What do you mean?
Ah, her mother.
She has a pretty hat.
No, I didn't talk to her,
but I think she'd say yes.
But I'm not interested.
I don't think
I love her enough to marry her.
You're lying.
- 'Cause you're lying.
- I'm lying?
What's all this?
I said you're lying.
You love Fanny. You're furious
because someone else wants her,
yet you refuse to marry her.
You're very trying, Marius.
If you're crazy,
be honest and tell me.
I'll send you to the loony bin.
If you're not,
trust me and tell the truth.
There's a woman
at the bottom of this, isn't there?
Tell me!
Yes... you're right.
I guessed as much.
Who is she?
I'm embarrassed to talk about it.
Me too.