To the Pavvilion.
Four thousand francs.
Here you are, sir.
l havve charted all gun emplacements
and air batteries.
-Good. You were attached to me as a cook?
-Yes, sir.
-Technical expert, eh?
-Yes, sir.
-With the rank of captain.
-That's right, sir.
-You're a good soldier?
-l hope so.
-And a good German?
-Yes, sir.
Some months ago, l furnished you
with plans and specifications...
...of a new weapon called the tank.
-Oh, yes, yes.
-You laughed at it, said it was impractical.
That's my belief, sir.
Well, captain, those impractical tanks
went into action in the Somme yesterday...
...costing your country 20 kilometers
of front and 1 8,000 casualties.
-So you said before.
Here are a few more of your
mistaken conclusions.
Correct them.
-Send Mademoiselle Carlotta here.
-Yes, sir.