Look. ls any woman worth that?
Surely, you regret havving betrayedyour country.
-You can still havve a chance---You're wasting time.
Come on, out with it.
Who is she? What is her name?
Tell us, you fool!
Mata Hari.
That's her name, isn't it?
-Let me alone.-Oh, shoot him.
She bewitches them.
Why not? She bewitched all Paris.
She's France's greatest enemy.
The woman has becomea mania with you, Dubois.
After all, you're the only one in Paristhat believves she's a spy.
lt's vvery dangerous to accuse a womanwho's so powerfully protected...
-...without proof.-l'll get that proof.
And one cold morning, you'll see your fineMata Hari tied to one of those posts.
-Dine with me tonight?-Thanks, no.
-Tonight l'm to see your Mata Hari dance.-What?
A special soiree at LeMarchand's.
-How dare you.-lt's to be smart and vvery privvate.
After all, there is a war going on.
Oh, well, some dance and some die.
And some will do both.