Mata Hari

:30:01 soon as flying is possible.
lt is imperativve...
...that these dispatches be in Petrograd
as soon as human means can contrivve.

Yes, Your Excellency.
Mr. Palin will havve these sealed
and delivvered to you.

And now, goodbye and good luck.
-Thank you, Your Excellency.

On your way, inquire if General Shubin
has any further instructions.

Don't be so secretivve.
l know that the embassy has receivved
important news from Russia.

Please, don't ask me things.
Not tonight.
ut all you'vve got to say is yes or no.
Well, at least you can tell me
how they came, by courier?

-y wireless, then.

y airplane.
The airplane from Russia?
Please, don't ask me anything more.
l can't stand it.
l can't get that Dubois out of my head.
Well, maybe you'd rather be alone.
You might as well be.
Your thoughts are not with me.

My thoughts are with you always.
Are they?
ls that why you havven't kissed
me for hours?

Oh, Mata.
What is it?
Lieutenant Rosanoff.
Come in. Come in.
May l present Lieutenant Rosanoff.
Madame Mata Hari.

l believve we'vve met before.
l don't think so, madame.
Well, what is it?
l'm flying back tonight, sir.
l am to inquire if you havve
any further orders.
