-Madame, the hairdresser can take you.
-l'm too nervvous.
-And the marquis is calling for you.
-l'm too tired, Marie.
-And aron Michel telephoned.
-Oh, l'm not interested, really.
-ut, no, sir.
-lt's perfectly all right.
For the lovveliest lady in all France.
l had to see you.
lt seemed like wasting life to sleep.
You're evven more beautiful
than l remembered you.
-Why did you come here?
-l couldn't help it.
Out there, the birds were singing, and there
was a softness in the air just like spring.
And you were the song of the birds
and the warm brightness of the morning.
-lt's vvery nice but--
-My heart was so full of you...
...l had to come back and tell you l lovve you
and take you to lunch.
lt's almost 2:00
and l havve an appointment.
ut you can break it.
l must take you to lunch.
-l told you l havve an appointment.
-And l told you to break it.
You're a fool.