He did not report to the flying field?
Tell His Excellency l'll be there
as quickly as possible.
-lvvan! My tunic.
-Yes, sir.
Hurry, hurry.
l knew this was going to be
an unlucky day when l woke up.
Put it down. Put it down!
Get me a dozen orchids and take them
to Madame Mata Hari.
Take this note along with it.
Meet me at the embassy.
Yes, sir.
Monsieur Dubois.
Good morning, my friend.
-Good morning.
-Oh, no. No one would evver forgivve that.
To spoil a man's supper,
then come back and spoil his breakfast.
-Sit down, please.
-Thank you.
-Well, what is it today? More melodrama?
-No, no.
-Today it is a farce.
-Oh, indeed. l see.
Last night l was bold enough
to hint at a relationship...
...between you and a certain lady.
And l'vve come to apologize...
...because l was mistaken.
Oh, yes, because l discovvered...
...that this lady's inclinations
are entirely elsewhere.
-Oh, yes?
-Oh, yes.
We older men merely furnish the soft lights
and champagne.
The mood, as it were.
Youth whistles, and we? We spend
the rest of the evvening reading a book.
Just what are you trying to get at?
Merely this, that Mata Hari went straight
to the rooms of young Rosanoff...
...when she left here last night.
And the prevvious night, he was with her.
ln what way does this concern me?
Well, it doesn't. lt merely illustrates
what a fool l made of myself.
Yes, yes.
Well, if you will pardon me, l havve a most
important engagement at the embassy.