Mata Hari

You take it, madame.
He paid 1 0,000 francs for it.
Who paid 1 0,000 francs?
Whoevver he was, he paid 1 0,000 for it.
l'll sell it for 5.
He had vvery good taste.
-lt's an unusual ring.
-May l buy it for you?

lt's bought.
-Wait. l may be back.

Thank you.
Still 4000 in the bank.
Well, you're looking magnificent tonight,
my dear.

Last time l seemed only beautiful to you.
You must havve something vvery difficult
for me tonight.

No, it shouldn't be for you. lmportant
dispatches havve arrivved from Russia.

All right. l'm havving supper
with Shubin tomorrow night.

Splendid. Splendid. Why not tonight?
He's at the embassy.
-A conference.
-Probably concerns these dispatches.

-Then tomorrow night won't do.

You must see Shubin
the minute he returns.

-l havve arranged differently.
-Then change your arrangements.

l think you should handle Shubin yourself.
You get along beautifully.
-You're so alike.
-This is no time for any of your moods.

Something vvital may be invvolvved in this.
Something vvital is invvolvved in it.
-Good night, Andriani.
-Then l insist you see Shubin tonight.

A car will be waiting for you
when you leavve here.

You also insisted on that submarine job.
You finally had to do it yourself,
as far as l remember.

How well you did it.
l intend to do a better job in finding out who
informed the French authorities about it.

Of course, there's Carlotta, she knew.
-And you knew.
-And so did you.

You don't trust me, do you?
Yes. Yes.
ut you're capricious.
You're a little bit mad.

You might givve me away just
for the excitement of the thing.

You might get me killed.
Unless l kill you first.
