-Who's the old gentleman there?
-My father.
l like his face.
-And this Madonna?
-The Madonna of Kazan' .
My mother made a pilgrimage
to the Shrine of Miracles to get it for me.
lt's about 1 00 miles from our town.
She walked all the way.
What is it supposed to do?
-ring you luck?
-Oh, no. lt guards you from evvil.
l had to kneel before the altar...
...and promise Mother l would always
keep a flame burning before it.
-And havve you?
-Of course.
My orderly has taken care of it
all the time l'vve been away.
You're a strange boy.
Who lovves you.
Do you?
l lovve you as one adores sacred things.
What sacred things?
-l come last?
-That's how you said it.
-You come first.
efore anything.
There is so much light in here.
Put out that one too.
-The Madonna's lamp?
l couldn't do that.
You said l came first.
ut don't you understand
that it's a holy lamp?
That l swore to keep it burning?