- And what happened under the tree?
- Then he kissed me.
- And what happened after that?
- He kissed me again.
And what happened then?
Then we were married.
And then?
And then we started to think about you...
Get out of here.
Would you need that $1,500 all at once?
No, but if I had $300,
I could at least get to Germany.
I haven't yet figured out
a way of paying the rent...
unless I part with the microscope.
So I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
our trip abroad this year.
I could earn that money
by going back to the stage.
I won't have you do that.
But the doctor says you must go away.
If I worked a few weeks,
I might make enough for your passage.
And then we'll find a way
to keep you over there...
until you get well.
It's out of the question.
I won't have you go back to the stage.
- Ned?
- What is it?