Would you need that $1,500 all at once?
No, but if I had $300,
I could at least get to Germany.
I haven't yet figured out
a way of paying the rent...
unless I part with the microscope.
So I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
our trip abroad this year.
I could earn that money
by going back to the stage.
I won't have you do that.
But the doctor says you must go away.
If I worked a few weeks,
I might make enough for your passage.
And then we'll find a way
to keep you over there...
until you get well.
It's out of the question.
I won't have you go back to the stage.
- Ned?
- What is it?
I was going back to my old work anyway.
- Will it make you happy?
- It isn't that. We need money.
It's only a question of weeks.
My formula is almost completed...
- and then we'll have all the money we need.
- I know, dear.
But in the meantime, I'm going to do
something to give you a chance to get well.
Have you come to be placed?
- What's your name?
- Faraday.
- What's that?
- Helen Faraday.
- Got an appointment?
- No, I haven't.
You'll have to wait,
all these people are ahead of you.
Thank you, honey. I'll see you later.
Going to lunch, Sally,
be back in 10 minutes.
Morning, Mr. Smith.
You remember me?
What about the job
you said you had for me?
Just a minute, folks.
Just a minute...
You remember my dramatic sketch,
Mr. Smith?
Just a minute, Jim.
You're waiting to see me, aren't you?
Run along, Eddy, I'll see you later.