But I don't like fruit.
You should eat a lot.
It's good for you.
Next time I tell him I like champagne.
Who is it?
Oh, my darling, your basket of fruit was lovely.
But I... am... uh...
I'm taking a nap.
Can't you come back later?
Yes, fraeulein.
Oh, thank you, dear.
Shhh, you'll spoil everything if he hears you.
What's the matter?
You ain't singing as usual.
Oh, this morning I have
such a big washing to do.
How's Hans?
I said... how's Hans?
Oh, Hans is fine.
Thank you, he's fine.
Frieda, something's wrong. What is it?
Oh, nothing...
...only...well...that Cleopatra woman...
my Hans...oh, I cannot tell you.
She's still after Hans, ain't she.
Yeah. Always she's smiling by him.
Yeah, well if she smiles by somebody I know,
she'll have to buy herself a new set of teeth.
But why is it we women
always have got to worry?
Oh, it's always been that way.
I guess it always will be.
Yeah. And by me she has no shame.
Always when I can hear
it, she says to him,