What's the matter?
You ain't singing as usual.
Oh, this morning I have
such a big washing to do.
How's Hans?
I said... how's Hans?
Oh, Hans is fine.
Thank you, he's fine.
Frieda, something's wrong. What is it?
Oh, nothing...
...only...well...that Cleopatra woman...
my Hans...oh, I cannot tell you.
She's still after Hans, ain't she.
Yeah. Always she's smiling by him.
Yeah, well if she smiles by somebody I know,
she'll have to buy herself a new set of teeth.
But why is it we women
always have got to worry?
Oh, it's always been that way.
I guess it always will be.
Yeah. And by me she has no shame.
Always when I can hear
it, she says to him,
"Many thanks, my darling, for the flowers."
"Thanks, my darling, for this,"...
...and "Thanks, my darling, for that."
Always something he is give her.
Oh, don't you worry, Frieda,
he doesn't love her... that big horse.
Yes, but she keeps after him.
That's why I worry.
Why not pink tights, you know,
with spangles all around.
It'll show her figure off more.
No. Nein. No tights, without tights.
You know that stuff... they're flimsy...
what you call that stuff?
We'll see her through it.
Why not like Lady Godiva?
Yeah, that's it, we'll have her ride
the feathered white horse.
What have you in your sawdust heads!