I've laid the groundwork.
I know the exact position of her room.
I've made friends
with her ballet master, Pimenov.
Listen, Heinrich.
I've taken all my savings, everything...
and Im going to enjoy spending it.
All of it.
It's terribly expensive here, Heinrich.
But it's wonderful.
I can't! I'll lose my job.
It's like being in jail.
Rely on me, Papa.
I will make this merger go through.
I never fail.
Poor Madame. Her mind is tortured.
I'm afraid she will...
I don't need advice, thanks very much.
I need money!
Music all the time. It's wonderful.
Grand Hotel.
People coming, going.
Nothing ever happens.
Mme. Grusinskaya will not want her car.
Mme. Grusinskaya's car
is not to be brought.
- Here.
- Yes, Baron?
- Adolphus is very vexed with you.
- Yes, Baron?
You didn't take him for his walk
this morning.
- Your door was locked.
- You might have knocked.
Don't you realize? That's why
they don't like little dogs in big hotels.
The doors are locked.
They can't get out. You see?
- Yes, Baron.
- I want you to take him for a good walk.
- You understand?
- Yes, Baron.
- Don't bring him back till he's exhausted.
- No, Baron.
Wait a minute.
It's quite all right.
- Hello?
- Is that for me?
No. Mme. Grusinskaya's car
is to be brought.
Mme. Grusinskaya's car is to be brought.
Good evening.
Will you send this to Mme. Grusinskaya?