I went to 3 colleges in 12 years
and fooled around with 3 widows.
At your age
I went to bed right after supper.
Sometimes before supper. Or I went
without supper, and didn't go to bed.
A college widow stood for something
in those days. She stood for plenty.
There's nothing between me and her.
- Then you're crazy to fool with her.
But... - I don't want to talk to you
about this again, you snob!
I'd horsewhip you, if I had a horse.
You may go now.
Leave your name with the girl outside.
We'll be in touch with you.
Where are you going?
- You just told me to go.
That's what they teach you here?
I tell you to go and you leave me?
You know you can't leave a school-room
without raising your hand.
This school has had a new president
every year since 1888,
when we won our last football game.
I like education as well as the next
man... - Then let me talk to him.
...but besides education, this
college needs a good football team.
And for a good football team, you need
good football players. - My boy,
I think you've got something. I'll
wait outside until you clean it up.
One more question: Where do you get
good football players?
In the speakeasy...
- In a speakeasy?
Isn't that against the law, selling
football players in a speakeasy?
Two of the best players in the country
hang out there.
You suggest that I go there,
without even giving me the address?
42, Elm Street. But you can't
go there, it isn't ethical.
It's not right for a college to buy
football players. - It isn't, eh?
Well, come on and we'll have a nip.
Better still, you wait here.
Anything further, Father? - "Anything
further, Father?" That can't be right.
Isn't it "Anything Father, further?"
The idea! I married
your mother because I wanted children.
Imagine my disappointment with you!
"And I kept yelling since I first
commenced it: I'm against it!"