Good night, dear.
Good night, mother.
Mademoiselle, you will pardon
the late hour.
But I had to see you.
What do you want, monsieur?
Dont be alarmed,
Im leaving Paris tonight.
And there is something
I have to tell you.
May I come in?
Oh no, monsieur.
My mother has gone to sleep.
My carriage is downstairs,
We can drive
to a café and talk.
Oh, thats impossible.
But it is
of greatest importance.
Please go away.
Mademoiselle, you must come.
Please. Do me this favor.
Let me close the door,
or Ill call for help.
But I have a message for you
from Erik.
He talks only of you.
He cant forget you.
There is something
you must know.
Are you insane, monsieur?