Hes her sweetheart.
He... He comes here
every night.
You may wait for the prefect.
But we must find Camille.
Let me go, you fool!
Itll be too late.
You may tell all that
to the prefect.
Now, what is your name?
Pierre Dupin.
Now, where do you live?
Oh, dont you understand?
Her life is in danger.
I understand.
Where do you live?
Oh, you fool.
You stupid fool!
So, your name is
Victor Albert Adolph
Jules Hugo Louis Duborg?
Yes, sir.
Why did you
not investigate
when you heard
the first scream?
I... I was afraid.
incredibly stupid.
Yes, sir. I...
What is your name
and business?
I am Franz Odenheimer.
I own a restaurant.
In your own way,
tell us what happened.
You see,
I was just going to bed.
Then suddenly,
I heard a scream.
Right away,
I ran across the street.
And I was
one of the first ones
to enter this room.
On the way upstairs,
I heard a voice.
And that voice
was speaking Italian.
Do you speak Italian?
Were you ever in Italy?
How do you know
it was Italian?
Because I am sure
it was Italian.
Thank you, sir.