Design for Living

I'm afraid, Bassington, that you are right
but none the less boring
Bassington curls his lips foolishly
and crosses to left
Bassington speaks:
there's only one thing I have to say to you:
what could he say?
there's only one thing I have to say to you:
ah Plunkett Incorporated
welcome to Bohemia, Sir
How do you do?
I'm getting on, Sir
in my modest way.
and you?

I'm well, thank you
you're looking splendid
that's a fetching tie,
and these spats! very exiting

what an ensemble
but personally,
I don't like derbies

they give a man that undertaker-look
My dear Mr Chambers,
I've come here to speak to you man-to-man

my favourite type of conversation
I whish to broach a rather delicate subject
oh now don't let's be delicate Mr Plunkett,
let's be cruel and objectionable both of us

one of the greatest handicaps to civilization
and I may say, to progress

is the fact that people
speak with ribbons on their tongues

delicacy, as the philosophers point out,
is the banana peel under the feet of truth
and if you've come up here
to raise a fuss about Gilda

this derby is a thing of the past
