Do your best,
and bring something to drink at once.
Yes, right away, My Lord.
You don't know what this means to me.
Have you ever traveled?
Have you ever been far from home?
Have you ever been homesick?
I have never been out of Sweden.
Then you don't know
what it is to be homesick.
You don't know what it means
to feel that sense of loss.
The pain of nostalgia.
One can feel nostalgia for places
one has never seen.
Yes, that's quite true.
Young man, that is the second time
I have underestimated you.
My Lords.
The foreigner,
he promised 15 thalers for a bed.
When did I ever let slip 15 thalers?
To the kitchen!
Imagine, in this icecap,
finding someone who knows Spain.
You understand I admire your country.
It's rugged and strong and impressive.
It has all the virile qualities.
And from all your northern fastness here,
the Viking spirit has dominated Europe.
But what do the Vikings talk about
in the evenings...
when they come home
from war and hunting?
Do they know the arts of living?
- You find us uncouth?
- Look at these people.
This is my lager.
I'll say this for them,
they know how to enjoy themselves.
At home, our people are less hearty,
but more graceful.
It's all a question of climate.
You can't serenade a woman
in a snowstorm.
All the graces in the arts of love...
the elaborate approaches that
would make the game of love amusing...
can only be practiced in those countries
that quiver in the heat of the sun...
in the still, languorous nights,
where every breeze caresses with amour...