Queen Christina

The bed, as you know, is large.
You might both lie on it
and never know that you were not alone.

I feel that we have much
to say to each other.

We've but broached the talk of men
and countries, of love and manners.

It is true that I find talking to you
very pleasant...

What do you say, sir?
I'm prepared to talk, I'm prepared
to be quiet, whichever you prefer.

My sleeping manners are
beyond reproach.

You would be doing a great service.
It's more I ask for than a bed
for the night, it's a chance to talk of home.

I will give up my room for you, gladly.
Give up? I wouldn't hear of it.
The truth is...
please forgive me, sir,
but since I was a little child...

I've always disliked sharing my room
with anyone.

You take the room and I'll go elsewhere.
I wouldn't hear of it,
there isn't another free bed in the inn.

Well, I'll sit before the fire.
Am I so unpresentable?
Do my manners disgust you?
Does my speech bore you?

If you find me so unbearable, forgive me
for having imposed myself on you.

- Good night, sir.
- Please, sir.

Say no more about it,
I shall sit before the fire all night.

No, you couldn't, I wouldn't...
- You shall share my room with me.
- Thank you very much, I'll be delighted.

If you are ever in Spain,
I'll return the hospitality.

Would Your Lordships like to retire now?
I think so, we are both tired.
Good night, Aage.
Pushing through these snowdrifts
is not like...

strolling under the orange trees at home.
It takes muscle.
I wish you both good night, My Lords.
I know you will be comfortable,
I've always had good reports on this room.

The room is well-behaved, is it?
I mean, My Lord,
I've never had any complaints.

Shall I help you off with your boots, sir?
