Sally, you come with me, dear.
I will take very good care of you.
I is coming.
Yeah, you is coming,
your head is bending low.
Now, get here before winter.
- Here I is.
- Here you is.
Eight Ball, what're you doing?
Working for me or sleeping for me?
I ain't sleeping so much that I don't see
what's going on around here.
What've you been seeing?
That fellow from the mission.
Mr... What's his name?
Y'all know what's his name, Miss Lou.
I'm surprised at you, with all
your experience, casting eyes on a preacher.
Now, Pearl, you know I've never been
interested in a man's job.
Besides, he ain't a preacher.
Anyhow, he ain't like the other men
you done made history of.
No, that's what makes him
kind of interesting.
Wouldn't hurt me any to have a new kind
of man added to my record, would it?
Goodness me, Miss Lou.
You ain't thinking of reforming, is you?
You know,
preachers don't give away no diamonds.
I told you he ain't a preacher,
he just runs the mission next door.
I hear he ain't gonna run that long.
I hear they're gonna take the mission
away from him.
Fella named Jacobson
that owns the building...
I hear they can't pay the rent.
Seems to me you've been hearing things.
Who's that?
Spider Kane.
In a minute, Spider.
Miss Lou'll be here in a minute.
Thanks, Pearl.
Come in, Spider, sit down.
What's on your mind?
I want to talk to you about something.
- Nothing serious, I hope.
- Not exactly, Lou.
Well, yeah, maybe in a way, it is.
Spill it. I ain't afraid. My conscience is clear.
Leastwise, I think it is.
What I've got to say
is about Chick Clark.
Chick Clark?
I'm wondering if you ain't sort of forgetting
about him.
I've gotta admit it's been a long time
since I've seen Chick...
but I ain't never completely forgot about him.