Goodness me, Miss Lou.
You ain't thinking of reforming, is you?
You know,
preachers don't give away no diamonds.
I told you he ain't a preacher,
he just runs the mission next door.
I hear he ain't gonna run that long.
I hear they're gonna take the mission
away from him.
Fella named Jacobson
that owns the building...
I hear they can't pay the rent.
Seems to me you've been hearing things.
Who's that?
Spider Kane.
In a minute, Spider.
Miss Lou'll be here in a minute.
Thanks, Pearl.
Come in, Spider, sit down.
What's on your mind?
I want to talk to you about something.
- Nothing serious, I hope.
- Not exactly, Lou.
Well, yeah, maybe in a way, it is.
Spill it. I ain't afraid. My conscience is clear.
Leastwise, I think it is.
What I've got to say
is about Chick Clark.
Chick Clark?
I'm wondering if you ain't sort of forgetting
about him.
I've gotta admit it's been a long time
since I've seen Chick...
but I ain't never completely forgot about him.
He's been in a year now, Lou.
Yeah, I know.
You know how he took his rap, quiet like.
Same as we all would.
It was tough he got caught,
but it wasn't my fault.
I ain't the sentimental kind, Spider.
Sure, but remember,
you said you'd be, well...
waiting around for him whenever he gets out.
Gets out? That's gonna be a long time.
What I want to say is...
supposing he found out
you ain't exactly been waiting.
I gotta do something while I'm waiting,
don't I?
Chick wouldn't figure it that way.
Suppose he found out about Jordan?
- What are you trying to tell me?
- Go up and see him, Lou.
What for? And antagonise Gus?
If I start going up there,
Gus'll think I'm still caring for Chick.
Not that I don't like him a lot.
I ain't got no complaint.
- Chick was a good man. In his way.
- He's in love with you, Lou.
And being in the clink a year without the girl
what makes you feel that way...
ain't no picnic.