Couldn't get a thing.
What do you mean?
Did you tell them this
is like a sieve?
Yes, but they run me out.
They did?
I did my best.
Keep Bill dry!
Yes, sir.
Where are you going?
What are you gonna do?
Plug up those holes.
Hot in here!
Have a look at that thermostat.
Mike, turn down that radio.
But real soft.
Cheer up, Gallant Lady, the
storm will soon be over.
Whitey, get dry rags.
Poor darling.
You won't catch cold, will you?
Poor darling.
Its cold again.
What time is it?
4 o'clock.
Get some sleep.
I'm wide awake.
Go to bed.
You'll be all right tomorrow.
Whitey, come take care of Bill.
You're going to bed.
I don't want to.
Never mind. Come on.
I don't want to.
I'm not sleepy.
Stop arguing and get
off that wet coat.
Sit down.