The Thin Man

- Who is it?
- John.

Hello, Lieutenant.
Sit down, Nick.
I wasn't expecting you, Lieutenant.
You said you'd phone.

Have a shot?
What's the idea of telling me
you knew the Wolf girl just by sight?

That's all I did, Lieutenant.
That's the God's truth.

Maybe I said hello to her.
"How are you,"
or something when I saw her...

but that's all I did, Lieutenant.
That's the truth!

You open your mouth
and I'll pop a tooth out of it.

- Is that so!
- Yeah!

Cut it out!
We didn't come here
to watch you two roughhouse.

She's driving me nuts.
She's been ragging me all day.

Maybe if you'd quit running around
after other women...

you wouldn't have trouble with this one.
That's a lie.
Anybody that says that is a liar!

Do you want to take a poke at him?
I didn't mean you, mister.
Come on, she can't hear you now.
You know how it is.
A guy knocking around...

You'd have done better
to have told me that in the beginning.

Where were you the afternoon
she was knocked off?

You don't think
I had anything to do with it!

Where were you?
- Marion!
- Wait a minute!

I don't like crooks.
And if I did, I wouldn't like stool pigeons.
And if I did like stool pigeons,
I still wouldn't like you.

Marion, don't go!
Wait a minute! I'll do anything you say!
I'll behave! Don't go!
