- Can you hear?
- I haven't heard anything yet.
- You say anything?
- I haven't said anything worth hearing.
That's why I didn't hear anything.
That's why I didn't say anything.
- Can you read?
- I can read, but I can't see it.
Don't seem to have it in focus here.
If my arms were a little longer,
I could read it.
You haven't got a baboon
in your pocket, have you?
Here we are. Now I've got it.
Pay particular attention to this first clause
because it's most important.
It says, "The party of the first part
shall be known in this contract...
"as the party of the first part."
How do you like that?
That's pretty neat, eh?
No, it's no good.
- What's the matter with it?
- I don't know. Let's hear it again.
"The party of the first part
shall be known in this contract...
"as the party of the first part."
Sounds a little better this time.
It grows on you.
Would you like to hear it once more?
Just the first part.
What? "The party of the first part"?
No. The first part
of "the party of the first part."
It says, "The first part
of the party of the first part...
"shall be known in this contract
as the first part of the party...
"Shall be known in this contract..."
Why should we quarrel about this?
We'll take it out.
Yeah. It's too long anyhow.
Now what do we got left?
I got about a foot and a half.
It says, "The party of the second part
shall be known in this contract...
"as the party of the second part."
I don't know about that.
- Now what's the matter?
- I don't like the second party either.
You should have come to the first party.
We didn't get home till around 4:00 a.m.
I was blind for three days.
Why can't the first part
of the second party...