- Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to...
- Quiet.
Our guests have asked me to represent
them and to act as their interpreter.
If you'll follow me,
I'll take you to their cabin.
If they're still in it,
very few of us will come out alive.
Pardon me. Our guests
are having their shredded wheat.
They'll be right out.
- "Kind friends..."
- Give me that. Let's cut this short.
The whole thing is very simple.
You're going to City Hall.
The Mayor's gonna make another speech.
We can tear up the Mayor's speech
when we get there.
So, my friends,
as mayor of this great city...
I take pleasure in inviting
our distinguished visitors...
to tell us something
about their achievement.
What'll I say?
- Tell them you're not here.
- Suppose they don't believe me?
They'll believe you when you start talking.
Talk fast.
I see a man in the crowd with a rope.
How we happen to come to America
is a great story, but I no tell that.
When we first started out...
we got no idea
you give us this grand reception.
We don't deserve it.
When I say we don't deserve it...