A Night at the Opera

I think these fellas are phonies.
- What's that you say?
- You heard me.

You hear what they say?
They've never been so insulted,
and they refuse to stay.

No, please. Tell them he didn't mean it.
Of course, you know this means war.
Now see what you've done.
I'm sorry. I'm awful sorry.
I apologize,
and I hope you're not offended.

Go on! After him!
Come on, get him.
What are you singing about? Read this.
What will you do?
First, I'll throw those two gorillas out.
That goes for you, too.

Thought I got rid of those mugs
when I sold my trunk.

Kiddies, come on, everything is piping hot.
- Good morning.
- Oh, boy, I'm hungry.

Read that.
That will take away your appetite.

No. That only makes me hungrier.
Come on. You're going to be late forjail.
Those certainly went like hot cakes.
You know, this isn't the way
I anticipated my breakfast.

I'm certainly getting enough of you fellas.
- I no like cupcakes.
- No.

I know when I've had enough...
Say, wait a minute.
That was a two-bit cigar.
