What are you singing about? Read this.
What will you do?
First, I'll throw those two gorillas out.
That goes for you, too.
Thought I got rid of those mugs
when I sold my trunk.
Kiddies, come on, everything is piping hot.
- Good morning.
- Oh, boy, I'm hungry.
Read that.
That will take away your appetite.
No. That only makes me hungrier.
Come on. You're going to be late forjail.
Those certainly went like hot cakes.
You know, this isn't the way
I anticipated my breakfast.
I'm certainly getting enough of you fellas.
- I no like cupcakes.
- No.
I know when I've had enough...
Say, wait a minute.
That was a two-bit cigar.
Bad enough I have to smoke those things
without eating them.
Get out.
Glad I didn't bring my vest.
I forgot to tell you.
He ate your vest last night for dessert.
He's half goat.
Yes, and that's giving him
all the best of it.
Thought I had another cigar on me.
He's going to smell like a vegetable salad
when he gets through with that.
I've been looking forward to this breakfast.
I've been waiting all morning.
This is how it wound up.
- I'll take a quart.
- A little of that, anyway.
Why don't you fellows be nice?
Get out of here before I get arrested.