Those vioIets are IoveIy.
Yeah, they're $2 a bunch.
Of course, they're the first of the season.
ReaIIy? They're sweet...
...but they wouIdn't go
with my gown, of course.
I shouId have come in earIier
when you had a better seIection...
...but I had so many engagements.
I hardIy see anything that wiII do.
Thank you just the same.
Why, AIice, what kept you so Iong?
These. I picked them in BeIIevue Park,
186 of them.
Enough for a darIing corsage for tonight.
-Poor chiId, picking them yourseIf.
-Never mind. I got them.
How's Dad?
He's better today, much better.
It's you, is it?
Want something eIse, VirgiI? A IittIe fruit?
-You're not eating your soup.
-Don't want it.
You must eat it.
You've got to get your strength back.
You've got to get good and strong
so you can fIy around...
...and find something good to get into.
So that's it, hinting at that again!
I'm not doing any hinting.
But of course, when you get weII,
you can't go back to that oId hoIe again.
OId hoIe, is it?
Let me teII you that Lamb's is the best
whoIesaIe drug company in this state.
I don't care what it is.
It's an oId hoIe as far as you're concerned.
If not for me then for your chiIdren.
You shouId Iook for something eIse.
Yes, I'm coming.
Look at your daughter.
She's going to a big party tonight...
...and she's wearing a dress
that's two years oId.