It's you, is it?
Want something eIse, VirgiI? A IittIe fruit?
-You're not eating your soup.
-Don't want it.
You must eat it.
You've got to get your strength back.
You've got to get good and strong
so you can fIy around...
...and find something good to get into.
So that's it, hinting at that again!
I'm not doing any hinting.
But of course, when you get weII,
you can't go back to that oId hoIe again.
OId hoIe, is it?
Let me teII you that Lamb's is the best
whoIesaIe drug company in this state.
I don't care what it is.
It's an oId hoIe as far as you're concerned.
If not for me then for your chiIdren.
You shouId Iook for something eIse.
Yes, I'm coming.
Look at your daughter.
She's going to a big party tonight...
...and she's wearing a dress
that's two years oId.
Oh, dear.
-How do you expect her to get anywhere?
For heaven's sake,
can't you wait untiI Dad's up and around...
...before you start hammering at him?
I'm not hammering at him.
Besides, AIice, I think I ought to know
by this time how to handIe your father.
Poor oId Daddykins!
Every time he's better,
someone taIks him into getting mad...
...and he has a reIapse.
It's a shame.
WeII, it's kind of funny for a man
who's been in business...
...with Lamb and Company
as Iong as I have...
...to hear it caIIed an oId hoIe.
That's what your mother caIIs it.
It's a mighty pIeasant pIace to work.
I know, Daddy, but it's that mother feeIs
they don't appreciate you down there.
They've hoisted my saIary every two years
aII the time I've worked for them...
...and they took WaIter right on
as soon as I asked them Iast year.