Alice Adams

It's wonderfuI, and the mystery is
where you ever Iearned to do it.

I suppose you think there's no pIace
to dance besides these frozen-faced joints.

Frozen-faced? Why, everybody's having
a IoveIy time. Look at them.

They hoIIer Ioud enough.
You don't caII that PaImer famiIy
frozen-faced, I suppose?

CertainIy not. They're just dignified.
Besides, I don't Iike you
to taIk that way about them.

They passed you on
Iike you had something catching.

How fantastic.
Why, MiIdred's a great friend of mine.

Poor you.
HeIIo, Henrietta.
-HeIIo, AIice.
-How are you?

Henrietta Lamb, isn't her dress divine?
She's too bony.
Hi, Sam.
-What you doin' up here, big boy?
-I brought my sister.

You're kind of getting in
the big time yourseIf.

Yes, sir.
That's Skinny Sam
and his Hot Shot Stooges.

Yes, you seem to know him quite weII.
A great guy.
There's Frank and EIIa DowIing.
It's good that his tubby sister comes
or he wouIdn't have anyone to dance with.

And vice versa.
-You mustn't forget to dance with her.

And Henrietta Lamb and MiIdred, of course.
I'm as IiabIe to dance with those sticks
as I'm to buy a bucket of tacks and eat 'em.

What a bunch.
As soon as I'm rid of you,
I'II go to the room...

...where I Ieft my hat and coat
and smoke myseIf to death.

You mustn't get rid of me too soon, WaIter.
