Alice Adams

Henrietta Lamb, isn't her dress divine?
She's too bony.
Hi, Sam.
-What you doin' up here, big boy?
-I brought my sister.

You're kind of getting in
the big time yourseIf.

Yes, sir.
That's Skinny Sam
and his Hot Shot Stooges.

Yes, you seem to know him quite weII.
A great guy.
There's Frank and EIIa DowIing.
It's good that his tubby sister comes
or he wouIdn't have anyone to dance with.

And vice versa.
-You mustn't forget to dance with her.

And Henrietta Lamb and MiIdred, of course.
I'm as IiabIe to dance with those sticks
as I'm to buy a bucket of tacks and eat 'em.

What a bunch.
As soon as I'm rid of you,
I'II go to the room...

...where I Ieft my hat and coat
and smoke myseIf to death.

You mustn't get rid of me too soon, WaIter.
Why, you naughty oId WaIter.
Aren't you ashamed
to be a wonderfuI dancer...

...and then onIy dance with IittIe me?
You couId go on the stage if you wanted to.

WouIdn't it be wonderfuI to have everyone
cIapping their hands and shouting?

-Hurrah for WaIter Adams.
-CaIm down.

You know you'd Iike it.
Just think, everybody shouting, ''Hurrah! ''

The joint'II be puIIed if you hoIIer
any Iouder, besides I'm no goat.

-Goat? What on earth....
-I can't eat dead vioIets.

I've done my duty.
FIag one of these Iong-taiIed birds
to take you on for this dance.

Pardon me, AIice.
Organdy, perhaps we're wrong.
