How do you do, EIIa?
-I'm fine. How are you?
-Thank you.
-Isn't this a IoveIy party?
-It certainIy is.
But then the PaImers aIways give....
It's aII right.
You can go now, but come back Iater.
-Can I have this dance, AIice?
-Why, you nice Frank DowIing, how IoveIy.
Gee, that was great.
Yes. Let's sit out the rest of this,
shaII we?
AII right.
Don't Iook now but Mother's trying
to get me to dance with EIIa...
...and I'm not going to.
Let's go into the haII.
She wants me to ask Henrietta
and MiIdred, too...
...but I'd much rather dance with you.
You're not stuck-up
Iike those other girIs are.
You'd never refuse to dance with me.
MiIdred, your party's a grand....