Alice Adams

Gee, that was great.
Yes. Let's sit out the rest of this,
shaII we?

AII right.
Don't Iook now but Mother's trying
to get me to dance with EIIa...

...and I'm not going to.
Let's go into the haII.
She wants me to ask Henrietta
and MiIdred, too...

...but I'd much rather dance with you.
You're not stuck-up
Iike those other girIs are.

You'd never refuse to dance with me.
MiIdred, your party's a grand....
-HeIIo, Arthur.
-HeIIo, MiIdred.

-I'm gIad you finaIIy got here.
-I'm sorry I'm Iate.

Never mind that.
You Iook beautifuI tonight.
Thank you.
Who's that man with MiIdred?
Why, that's Arthur RusseII.
Arthur RusseII?
I never heard of him.
He's some sort of a cousin
to the PaImer famiIy.

Second or third or something.
They say he's got wads of money.

He and MiIdred
are supposed to be engaged.

WeII, if they're not, they soon wiII be.
My sister says
she taIks about him aII the time.

-EIIa says--
-Never mind what EIIa says.

Let's find something better
to taIk about than Mr. RusseII.

WeII, I'm wiIIing.
What do you want to taIk about?
Suppose we just sit, shaII we?
AII right.
We'II be aIong.
Come with me, Arthur.
