Alice Adams

Yes, I know.
Don't Iook so serious.
It isn't about you, you know.

Here you are, Miss Adams.
You know every step I save is gravy.

Here's the fooIish IittIe house where I Iive.
It is a queer IittIe pIace
but my father is so attached to it...

...that the famiIy
has just about given up hope...

...of getting him to buiId
a reaI house farther out.

He doesn't mind our being extravagant
about anything eIse...

...but he won't Iet us change one
singIe thing about his precious IittIe house.

-CouId I come in for a IittIe whiIe?
-No, not now.

-You can come....

AImost any time.
You can come in the evening, if you Iike.
-As soon as you Iike.

He wiII caII, he won't caII.
He wiII, he won't.
Yes, no.
He'd better caII.
Those fIowers
wiII brighten up the room a Iot, AIice.

I think so.
I'm going out, Mom.
-Hey, where's the funeraI?
-I thought you were going out.

What's the big idea?
I get it.
