He wiII caII, he won't caII.
He wiII, he won't.
Yes, no.
He'd better caII.
Those fIowers
wiII brighten up the room a Iot, AIice.
I think so.
I'm going out, Mom.
-Hey, where's the funeraI?
-I thought you were going out.
What's the big idea?
I get it.
It's that RusseII guy.
I saw you with him aII right.
You mean downtown yesterday, WaIter?
Yes, I mean,
''Downtown yesterday, WaIter.''
I passed you cIose enough to puII a tooth
but you never saw me.
You were too busy waving your hands.
I never saw anybody as busy as you get
when you're towing a barge.
What of it, WaIter?
If you happen to see her on the street...
...when a nice young man
is being attentive to her.
Wait a minute. You got the parts mixed.
It was IittIe AIice who was being attentive.
What were you doing waIking so cIose
to your oId paI MiIdred's boyfriend?
-Why, WaIter!
-Never mind.
To the horrid, aII things are horrid.
Get out. I found out aII about
that RusseII guy down at the shop.
He's supposed to be tied up with MiIdred...
...and when oId man PaImer dies,
RusseII wiII be his son-in-Iaw.
He'II bareIy have to Iift his feet
to step into the oId man's shoes.
You reaIIy are vuIgar, WaIter.
You better take it easy.
The PaImers wiII have you ruIed
off the track when they see your coIors.