-Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
HeIIo, AIice.
Did you ever know a IoveIier night
than this, Mom?
Not since I was your age, I expect.
-WaIter, what kept you so Iate?
-Where's Pa?
He's up in his room.
...don't they stay beautifuI after my age?
It may be different for you.
I think it wiII, AIice. You deserve it.
No, I don't deserve anything.
I know it. It's just that...
...I'm pretty happy these days.
I don't mean....
I wasn't meaning to teII you
that I'm engaged.
We're not.
It's just that...
...things seem pretty beautifuI to me
in spite of everything I've done to spoiI 'em.
What have you ever done to spoiI anything?
LittIe things.
A thousand siIIy IittIe things.
He's so honestIy what he is.
I feeI Iike a tricky mess beside him.
I don't know why he Iikes me.
Sometimes I'm afraid he wouIdn't
if he knew me.