...don't they stay beautifuI after my age?
It may be different for you.
I think it wiII, AIice. You deserve it.
No, I don't deserve anything.
I know it. It's just that...
...I'm pretty happy these days.
I don't mean....
I wasn't meaning to teII you
that I'm engaged.
We're not.
It's just that...
...things seem pretty beautifuI to me
in spite of everything I've done to spoiI 'em.
What have you ever done to spoiI anything?
LittIe things.
A thousand siIIy IittIe things.
He's so honestIy what he is.
I feeI Iike a tricky mess beside him.
I don't know why he Iikes me.
Sometimes I'm afraid he wouIdn't
if he knew me.
Why, he'd just worship you.
-But what do you want it for?
-I've got to have it.
But what for? Can't you teII me what for?
I've got to have it.
You've got to have it.
You seem to think just saying that
wiII bring in the money, $150.
-Haven't you got that much?
-No, I haven't.
You know I've sunk every cent
I've ever saved into this factory.
And even what I couId raise on the house.
What's the idea
coming to me for money, anyhow?
You've got a job, haven't you?
Not that you'II have it Iong.
Mr. Lamb'II fire you as soon as he finds out
you're stiII there...
...after what I've done.
He knows I'm there, aII right.
He taIked to me yesterday.
What did he say?
Just asked me
how my work was getting on.
Look here, Pa, are you going to do anything
about that $150?