Why, he'd just worship you.
-But what do you want it for?
-I've got to have it.
But what for? Can't you teII me what for?
I've got to have it.
You've got to have it.
You seem to think just saying that
wiII bring in the money, $150.
-Haven't you got that much?
-No, I haven't.
You know I've sunk every cent
I've ever saved into this factory.
And even what I couId raise on the house.
What's the idea
coming to me for money, anyhow?
You've got a job, haven't you?
Not that you'II have it Iong.
Mr. Lamb'II fire you as soon as he finds out
you're stiII there...
...after what I've done.
He knows I'm there, aII right.
He taIked to me yesterday.
What did he say?
Just asked me
how my work was getting on.
Look here, Pa, are you going to do anything
about that $150?
No, I'm not.
I haven't got 150 cents, Iet aIone doIIars.
What do you think I am, a mint?
AII right.
I don't see as you
ever did very much for me, anyhow.
You know, I think it's time your father
and I showed some interest in Mr. RusseII.
Why, I actuaIIy don't beIieve
he's ever been inside the house.
I know he hasn't.
We aIways stayed out here on the porch.
It's so much nicer.
I was thinking we couIdn't wait much
Ionger to ask him to dinner or something.
Mother, must we?
Don't you see, AIice,
it seems so queer not to do something.
It Iooks so kind of poverty-stricken.
AII right. I'II ask him,
if you think I've got to.
We couId get that coIored woman,
MaIena Burns, to wait on tabIe.
She goes out for the day, you know.
And then we'd have a nice dinner.
Something reaI styIish.