Captain Blood

Fought for the French against the Spanish,
and the Spanish against the French...

and I learned my seamanship
in the Dutch Navy.

But having had adventure enough
in six years to last me six lives...

I came here, hung up the sword,
and picked up the lancet.

Became a man of peace and not of war.
A healer, not a slayer...

and that I am going to be as long as
I'm on top of the sod and not under it.

-Will you be back for breakfast?
-Who knows, my pretty one?

The worst is done, my friend.
Give your mind peace.

The King's men!
There's nothing to fear.
This is a Christian country.

Christian men don't make war
on the wounded...

or those who shelter them.
I'm Capt. Hobart of Col. Kirke's dragoons.
What rebels do you harbor?
No rebels. This wounded gentleman--
No need to ask
how he came by his wounds.

A rebel. Out with him.
This man can't be moved
without peril to his life.

Who the devil may you be?
Peter Blood, Medicinae Baccalaureus.
Don't fling your French at me.
Latin, my dull friend.
lt means I'm a doctor.

Or a liar.
lf your wit were as big as your voice,
it's the great man you'd be for this.
