The King's men!
There's nothing to fear.
This is a Christian country.
Christian men don't make war
on the wounded...
or those who shelter them.
I'm Capt. Hobart of Col. Kirke's dragoons.
What rebels do you harbor?
No rebels. This wounded gentleman--
No need to ask
how he came by his wounds.
A rebel. Out with him.
This man can't be moved
without peril to his life.
Who the devil may you be?
Peter Blood, Medicinae Baccalaureus.
Don't fling your French at me.
Latin, my dull friend.
lt means I'm a doctor.
Or a liar.
lf your wit were as big as your voice,
it's the great man you'd be for this.
You may find me great enough
to hang you!
Yes, I don't doubt it.
You've the looks and manners
of a hangman.
Take him away, and the others, too!
''ln the name of His Majesty,
Our Sovereign Lord...
''prisoners of the Crown,
you stand indicted...
''for having maliciously
and traitorously conspired...
''to change, alter, and wholly to subvert
the ancient government...
''of this Kingdom of England.
''Therefore, you are charged
with high treason...
''against the most illustrious
and most excellent...