The 39 Steps

- ls the master in?
- What name should l say, sir?

He wouldn't know my name.
Ask if he knows Miss Annabella Smith.

- Would you wait here while l inquire?
- Yes. Go on.

We'd better make inquiries here.
Somebody may have seen him
through the windows.

- There's been a couple motorcars here.
- Aye.

Murderers do not make calls
in motorcars.

- Good day, dear.
- The same to you.

Have you seen any strangers
this morning?

There's a few callers upstairs now,
but they're not strangers.

You haven't seen any suspicious-looking
bodies outside the windows..

- or calling at the house?
- No, sir.

There hasn't been anybody near here
for the last half hour.

- You're from Annabella Smith?
- Yes.

We're just having a few drinks
to celebrate my daughter's birthday.

Give me five minutes,
then we can talk.

- Of course.
- Come meet my wife. Louisa, my dear.

l've another guest for you.
This is Mr.--

- l forgot to ask your name.
- Hammond.

He's come to see me on business,
all the way from London.

There's a police inspector at
the door. He wants to speak to you.

At the door?
All right.
l'll deal with it.

- Take him in, my dear.
- Come and meet my daughters.

- This is Patricia.
- How do you do?
