The 39 Steps

We'd better make inquiries here.
Somebody may have seen him
through the windows.

- There's been a couple motorcars here.
- Aye.

Murderers do not make calls
in motorcars.

- Good day, dear.
- The same to you.

Have you seen any strangers
this morning?

There's a few callers upstairs now,
but they're not strangers.

You haven't seen any suspicious-looking
bodies outside the windows..

- or calling at the house?
- No, sir.

There hasn't been anybody near here
for the last half hour.

- You're from Annabella Smith?
- Yes.

We're just having a few drinks
to celebrate my daughter's birthday.

Give me five minutes,
then we can talk.

- Of course.
- Come meet my wife. Louisa, my dear.

l've another guest for you.
This is Mr.--

- l forgot to ask your name.
- Hammond.

He's come to see me on business,
all the way from London.

There's a police inspector at
the door. He wants to speak to you.

At the door?
All right.
l'll deal with it.

- Take him in, my dear.
- Come and meet my daughters.

- This is Patricia.
- How do you do?

Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Hutchins.
Hilary, my dear,
this is Mr. Hammond.

- He just arrived from London.
- How do you do?

Forgive the orgy. We've been to church
and the sermon lasted 45 minutes.

- This is Captain and Mrs. Ogilvey.
- How do you do?

- Have a drink?
- Thank you.

This is Derek Stewart.
And this is Sheriff Watson.
You've got to be polite to him.

He's our Sheriff Substitute.
Scotch for a local beak.

He'll give you six months hard
as soon as look at you.

lt's all right. Don't worry.
l've sent them away.

Come and look at the view
from this window.

We're rather proud of it.
- When will you catch that murderer?
- What murderer?

The man that stuck a carving knife
into that woman last week.

- He's here in the district.
- How exciting. Where?

Somewhere about.
He's been on the moors.

Sheriff Ames, why don't you catch him?
